
The areas that we will focus on are the villages and rural towns in Sindh as well as Khyber Pakhtunkhwa where the medical and pharmaceutical facilities are not able to take care of the physical health and well-being of their people sufficiently. Therefore, our company aims to create high-quality jobs and provide beneficial social services to people in need, in hopes of creating a bright, healthier future for the people of our country


We are also helping manage and sustainably run small local schools in different rural areas of Sindh and KPK. Schools serve as a foundation for local communities, and many people care deeply about how children are educated. We are focused on eliminating the mindset of not providing quality education to women and girls. Therefore, we are trying to encourage and help manage schools where female education is provided by contributing our resources – of time, money and effort – to benefit society.


We are also focusing on helping out the boys Madarsas in Sindh and KPK so that they can be provided with a comfortable learning environment and gain as much knowledge by going to the Madarsas as they possibly can. Our company aims to make regular charity drives to urban and rural poverty-stricken areas. We provide ‘raashan’ packages which include essential foods and drinks for people to stay healthy, energised, and hydrated.


We also have made Sustainability efforts by conducting frequent plantation drives. We all know that our country needs to recognize the threat of climate change and companies such as ourselves here at Amros are trying to make an effort to reverse or minimize the harmful effects of this threat.